In preparation for the Content Planned Workshop, attached are a couple of downloads that you may find useful.

It is not essential that you complete these worksheets before the workshop. They are just a place for you to gather your thoughts if you haven’t already got the information about your target customer and content pillars documented.


DOWNLOAD HERE: Content Pillars Worksheet

In the workshop we will discuss Content Pillars. You may also have heard referred to these as content buckets or content segments. These are a handful of overall topic areas that you will focus on to engage with your audience. They need to link back to your target audience profile’s pain points, motivations, desires and their reasons to engage.

If you haven’t previously thought about content pillars, then it may be worth you having a think before the workshop if you have the time.

What are the key content topics that will resonate and appeal to the target audience you have identified?

What are the topics that will open up conversation and help to position you.

4-6 content pillars are ideal to ensure a wide variety of conversation, but if you would like to add a couple more that is fine too.


  • A yoga studio’s content pillars might be: yoga, wellness & selfcare, nutrition and diet, personal and local community.
  • An artist might be finished work, behind the scenes, inspiration.
  • A retailer might have products, behind the scenes, customer feedback/customer generated content, trending/seasonal topics.
  • A consultant might have services/work with me, tips, personal to allow connection, sector inspiration.


DOWNLOAD HERE: Target audience profile Worksheet

When planning out our content ‘the’ most important factor is how well we know our target audience. We can only deliver content that is of value, whether than be for education, inspiration or entertainment, if we know our audience well. We need to know them as well as we know our best friend.

Here is a worksheet that you may like to complete to detail what you know about your target customer. You may have more than one type of target customer, so may need 1, 2 or 3 versions of this.

For example I worked with one client who owned an interiors shop with a cafe who had 3 specific groups of customers.

  • The first was in her 60’s and used the shop for purchasing dinner party gifts.
  • The second a school run mum who popped by for gifts, home accessories and coffee.
  • The third was a Mum of grown up uni age kids who used the shops interior design services.

3 very different customers, with very different needs.