Staying consistent on social media does wonders for your relationship with your online audience, building trust and familiarity. Your content and messaging becomes part of their day or week, and if you are sharing helpful, truly inspirational or amusing content, they’ll even look forward to seeing you pop up in their feeds.

Consistency builds momentum for your accounts, driving brand awareness and growing an engaged online community. Consistency of posting is also good for the algorithms.  So how do you ensure consistency?

My secrets to staying consistent

Last night’s sleep went something like this.  My son sleepwalked into our room – so I walked him back to bed, my hubby snored  like a trooper, so I eventually gave up being woken and moved to a different bed, then my daughter woke so I moved to her bed. Up 3 times, woken more. Another night of broken sleep.  And yet I still showed up for my business with content flowing at 7am.

My secret to consistently showing up for my business?

1. Capture the ideas….every single day. Every day you’ll speak to a customer, listen to a podcast, scroll Insta, read something… Set the intention to capture the content ideas. Adjust your mindset. One idea a day would fill your ideas library, your content funnel and provide ever flowing inspiration. You’ll never be stuck for something to post again.

2. Set a goal. Know how frequently you want to show up on each platform, and then you have a goal to be consistent with. Saying ‘I’m going to consistent’ means nothing. Set a goal, such as I will post to Instagram 4 days a week, on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and then you have a plan for staying consistent.

3. Plan. Last Summer I planned 9 weeks of content in 30 minutes. If you have the ideas gathered, and a plan of what you want to share each week (think content pillars), then you can very quickly plan out a week, a month, or a few months. What if you scheduled a social media planning half hour into your diary each month, just to map out the high level topics to communicate for the month.

4. Create templates. If you know what content works, then you can create templates for your content. Know that if you want to say xx it can be housed within a particular design. It cuts so much design faff. Could you regularly share 6 tips about a topic? If so create a template for sharing them.

5. Think about series content. Content you repeat each week or month. Having my weekly edition of The Content Draft each Monday morning guides my week. I never have to think about what shall I post on a Monday, I know that it’s going to be a list of 5 ideas for the week.

6. Draft or Schedule. There are heaps of tools available to help you load up your content in advance so that it posts without you having to do the work at the specific time your audience is online. There is a post posting for my account as I’m typing this. Meta Business Suite is a free tool that posts to Instagram and Facebook.  You can also draft posts, reels and even stories within Instagram itself, although if you do this I would always have another copy of the content somewhere just in case you get logged out or update the app and drafts disappear. And you do need to post the drafts but at least they are ready.

Final thoughts

Set your goal, show up consistently and steadily you’ll see an increase in the relationships you build online, generating more brand awareness and knowledge of what you offer.

If you need help creating your plan, understanding your content pillars or brainstorming the content ideas, I’d love to help you.

The Content Course is a great option to help you get clear about your content foundations (your business, your customers, your content pillars) and leave with a library full of ideas and content ready to roll. It’s a course about getting ahead, taking control and never running out of ideas again. Take a look at The Content Course >