Content made easy - that has to be good

Creating content for social media, and then for blogs, emails, podcasts and articles can feel overwhelming. I must hear or read the words ‘I don’t know what to post’ most days. Amazing business owners doing great things, even writers, creatives and coaches, who get totally stuck when it comes to their own content.

You might feel like that too?

You might be struggling to post frequently or stay consistent with a posting schedule. You may be focused for a while and then find your interest wandering to other things. More important things in your business, or homelife.

You might be struggling with ideas or feel like you’ve lost your Insta mojo. Or just not have the time to put into your content.

 If you’re not creating content, you are not being seen.

A lack of content means you are not building your online audience or reminding your customers and followers of your existence. And if there is one lesson I have learnt from my career in marketing, it is to keep going no matter what. You stop, you’ll easily be forgotten.

I’m not saying you can’t take a break, have a week or two off or lighten your posting schedule, because you absolutely can and I encourage you to do so. You won’t be much use to anyone burnt out. Not your customers, not your family and certainly not to you.

I launched The Content Course to help

Are you struggling with

  • Content creation taking up too much time
  • A day to day feeling of being out of control. A nagging feeling that doesn’t let you rest
  • You’re struggling to consistently show up for your business
  • You’ve lost your mojo.
  • You are lacking the ideas or inspiration
  • Not getting results
  • You want to sell more, reach more people
  • You don’t know what to post

Social Media Content doesn’t need to be so hard

I’ve designed The Content Course with you in mind. We’ll start by taking some time to go back to the beginning, to get clear about what you are doing on Instagram and your social media in general.

  • We’ll start with your content foundations. That’s know your goals for your content and the value your business brings.
  • We’ll take a look at your brand stories, those that you can continuously hook into and share.
  • You’ll set up a content library in Trello.
  • Be guided through inspiration gathering, capturing the ideas in your library. This alone is going to create idea after idea.
  • Then you’ll plan out your content for the next few months
  • And lastly you’ll create lots of content to keep in your store cupboard – to roll out as and when you need to.

You know why I know this course will help?

Because I want to do it myself. Eeking out the time in your life to create your content up front, to know you are creating what your audience needs and to feel inspired and bouncy about your content, is sheer gold.

This is a course about getting your content done, and working hard for you.

Is The Content Course right for you?

Read more about The Content Course over on the main course page, where you can also have a listen to what previous content workshop students and 1-1 clients have thought of their training with me. More about The Content Course >