UK Awareness days to inspire your content in October 2021

I personally couldn’t think of anything worse that following an Instagram account that bounced from one special awareness day message to the next. But I do see ‘huge’ value in selecting a few relevant days each month to hang some content around. Special days can fuel content ideas and help you connect with your ideal customers around a shared interest.

Select a few days that mean something to you, that help you to tell a business story or feel right for supporting how you market your product or service.

October 2021 has heaps of special awareness days. I’m sharing a few of my favourites and a list of other UK Special days.

Tap on each of the events below and they will take you directly to the organiser’s page or to more info.

*If I’ve missed any key dates, I apologise, this is no easy job and I’m providing this to you for free.

*Please check all dates before using them in your marketing. It is your responsibility to check the accuracy of the information. I’m just sharing my own research to make life easier for you.

*Lastly please do bring any dates I have missed to my attention and I can add them in for others to view.

There are of course many more special days to add, particularly heaps of great ones from the United States. Here I’ve tried to focus only on UK and Worldwide ones and those where I think there may be social media content opportunities for my community.

A few October highlights

UnBlocktoberThrough October

Can you share tips to help others improve the health of our drains, sewers, watercourses and of course our beautiful seas?

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

There's not many of us who don't have a story to tell to encourage others to check their breasts. Do you have a strong female audience?

World Smile Day1st October

"Do an act of kindness. Help one person smile"! There literally cannot be a better day.

World Mental Health Day10th October

Do one thing. Add your voice. Share your story. Help others to speak freely about and seek support for their mental health.

UK Coffee Week18-24 October

For everyone fuelled by coffee, this week is all about helping the coffee growing communities throughout the world.

World Champagne Day22 October

Quite possibly my favourite day of the year. How about some content around celebrations. What will you celebrate? Your customers, your journey?

World Animal Day4th October

Sell something with an animal print, animal shape, have a 4 legged office buddy, this is all about animals and their welfare.

Clocks change31st October

Daylight saving ends and the clocks go back. Can you share a fun or pertinent reminder? What will you do with one extra hour this week?

More October Awareness Dates

I hope this list of October special awareness days helps you plan and create a couple of interesting and engaging pieces of content for the month. Maybe have a think about how you can make your community smile, how you can use an awareness day to tell a story about your business, to share an inspirational quote and how they can work in connecting with your audience.

121 Content Planning

If you would like further help in planning your content for Instagram for the month, take a look at my Content Power Hour. An outcome driven 121 session or series of sessions where you’ll go away with an armful of inspiration and ideas and a plan to follow.

If you have questions, please do get in touch.

Happy October
Sarah x