Planning a sales launch? Need your content to hit the mark?

Marketing the second round of THE CONTENT REBOOT course in September 2022 gave me no joy. It was just plain hard work. Why? Because I was marketing it under pressure, without doing the same level of planning work that I would usually do.

Creating content under pressure is horrid isn’t it?  When you need to entice swift action, you need to make your content hit the spot, and you overthink every single flippin word. Yep that was me.  And it took me right back to how I felt before I created the content system I use every day.

I felt low on confidence, imposter set in and the daily question of “oh my goodness what am I going to post” hit me like a train.

If you know me, you’ll know that this does not sound at all like me. I’ve built my personal brand around being calm, organised and in control. I have all the ideas, and I get them out there in a way that resonates with my audience. Hey ho we all have our bad days don’t we and I think being open and honest is what builds trust above anything else.

Why didn’t I plan my content?

I spent my Summer steadily working on improving the course to make sure those embarking on the September intake got the very best out of it. I planned to get the marketing content organised in the first week of September. But post summer sluggishness, client work to be done, struggles with getting two kids settled into new schools, then the loss of our beloved Queen.

September didn’t really start until midway through the month.

I launched because I said I was going to. I’d committed to running a late September course. I knew the timing was perfect to deliver the course for those who were keen. So off I went telling my audience all about it… day by day. Step by step.

Would I do it like that again? No way. It felt really hard.

That’s why I believe in the power of The Content Reboot so strongly. We all need to get ahead with our content, so that we’re in control, so that when bumpy things happen, we can confidently show up and sell. Marketing cannot be left to the last minute.

6 Tips for a successful launch

1.Plan your campaign in advance. You’ll need to take your audience on a journey. How will you address the barriers, how will you demonstrate the value. What are the key dates for sales. Who can help you show off your course, service or product. Who might be influential. Will you have an earlybird or launch price (I did plan this).

2. Know your key messages, uncover the stories that will resonate and inspire action. Maybe it’s stories like this, maybe it’s telling the transformation of past client experiences. Is it attention to detail and quality, is it a business breakthrough. How will your new product or service make someone feel.

3. The above point. It’s the key to the whole thing. Know what you are going to say and how you are going to say it. You can decide the vehicle (reels, posts, blogs, emails) later, just nail the messaging.

4. Ask for help. You can’t be an awesome at everything and there’s no point in wasting time winging it. If you can’t communicate the key benefits of what you’re selling, seek out someone to help you. Your messaging needs to be super clear and hero the key benefits.

5. Outsource the tech. Unless you are techie, save yourself a lot of time with getting the tech sorted. This time was rinse and repeat from a tech perspective for me, but when I set it up in June, the tech was the biggest mountain to climb. Sales page functionality, shop functionality, wait listing, automation. Outsource it. And work on the bits that you can do well.

6. Be flexible. Maintain room to tweak your campaign. Questions will be asked that will very likely fuel great content. Things will happen outside of your control and you need to make sure there is room to be fluid with your campaign. I was talking to a friend about marketing and the conversation got onto the cost of living and it’s impact on our sales. This is the sort of barrier that needs to be addressed within a campaign.

The Content Reboot is a 2.5 week course. We’ll brainstorm your posts, reels, emails, and blog posts so that you can keep selling and stay connected with your customers.

Find out more about The Content Reboot.