Show up over Summer & still take time out

Posting social media content over Summer might feel like a huge effort. The platforms are quieter, engagement lower and you need a break from the hamster wheel. Yep, I get it.

By all means take the much needed break (I will definitely be having a couple), ease off a little, but also remember that Summer is a useful time for connecting with your audience and laying the foundations for whatever you are up to in Autumn. What do you need to prep your audience for ready for the Autumn? 

My Summer Content Planner and Inspiration Guide will help you to show up on your social channels whilst still taking a break. It’s just £9.95 to download and will provide you with a multitude of ideas to maintain your content momentum, whilst you enjoy a slower summer.

Summer content planner

Your Summer content planned

The planner includes 60+ content ideas, 16 pages of content inspiration, tips and planning tools.

If like me, you’re dreaming of a long summer full of picnics, fun with the kids (or fur babies) and splashing about in the waves, the last thing you want to be worrying about is what to post on social media. Spend an hour with this planner and you'll feel much more in control.

Get your planner now for just £9.95

What other are saying about the planner:

“Just used your content planner. Really really useful set of tools to use in the toolkit. The brainstorm section just writing down random ideas and then exploring each, to give you the bare bones. The content planner to give you the structure. Massive thank you. Feel like I’ve got a plan for the next 7 weeks or so.” CLIENT

“Oh my goodness – this is genius. If you’re feeling in a content rut, but want to plan so you can take some time off over the Summer. Get this.” JESS

“This is brilliant. I’ve downloaded one of these before [from another source] but it was so boring and didn’t help me at all. But looking at your content planner, I’m excited and inspired to get started. I feel like I can actually do this now and it’s so useful.” NICOLA

Hope you get lots out of the planner. Please do email me back and let me know what you think. And if you find it useful, let your business buddies know so they can download a copy too. Enjoy!